Matteson Lake Association Wilson Ray, President Sharon Kolassa, Vice President Erik Sabaitis, Treasurer Blair Shaman, Secretary Zone Reps Cove Resort Tricia KanterMelissa Peppler (423) 903-5734(260) 450-6921 Moser Drive & Fischers Hideaway Sandra Felcyn (586) 243-2105 Salek Lane Tracy Rowland (517) 617-6487 Werners Landing South Sharon Cox (269) 535-2051 Werners Landing North Carol Anson (517) 369-1044 Werners Trail Charlie Doner (517) 369-1075 West Shore/Ferrand Edward Gehringer (248) 807-5479 Additional contacts are not affiliated with the Lake Association. Contact information is provided here only as a convenience. Local Gov’t Fire/Sheriff Emergency 911 Non Emergency (517) 278-2325 or (517) 278-2545 Burn Permits (recorded message) (517) 369-6475 Branch County Conservation District (517) 278-8008 Kathy (517) 278-2725, ext 5 Matteson Township Twp Supervisor: Kevin Barnes (517) 369-2193 Twp Clerk: Karon Jo Fischer Barr (517) 369-1678 Twp Treasurer: Sharon Butters (269) 449-5464 Zoning Admin: Leslie Everett (517) 617-8646 Township Assessor: Anne Richmond (269) 870-4587 Township Hall Rental: Andy Kelly (517) 781-0963 Private Road Representatives for Matteson Lake Cove #1 Kim Miller Cove #2 Marvin Kirchhofer (419) 233-2239 Fischers Hideaway Bill Sweers (517) 369-9838 Werners Landing North Carol Anson (517) 369-1041 Werners Landing South Charlie Doner (517) 369-1075 Werners Trail Charlie Doner (517) 369-1075 Chairman Kevin Kolassa (517) 617-2522 Watershed EGLE (269) 567-3500 DNR (800) 292-7800 DEQ Permits (for Seawalls and Below the Water Line Improvements) (269) 567-3500 Lake Water Quality Concerns Branch, Hillsdale Health Department (517) 279-9561 For any questions/concerns regarding this site, email